Carnival Queens Meet & Greet at Kooyman


SXM Carnival Queens1-001CAYHILL, Sint Maarten — As the 2015 Carnival Teen, Senior and Mature queen contestants prepare to take the stage for their pageants, the SCDF and Kooyman have teamed up for a final “Meet & Greet” on Saturday April 18th at the Kooyman Megastore. The Teen, Senior and Mature contestants will have the opportunity to shine on stage and show friends, family and their supporters that they are ready to take on the title of Carnival Queen 2015.

The event takes place from 10:00am – 1:00pm with music and entertainment by DJ Flip followed by a presentation of the Carnival Queens contestants and a special performance by the No Limit Band. Adding to the festivities, Kooyman will also provide shoppers with a special cocktail and the opportunity to win a number of prizes. Kooyman will also hold a pre-sale of their annual Carnival T-shirts; Shoppers who purchase $40 or more will walk away with a free fashionable Carnival T-shirt.

“Carnival is a special time on St. Maarten and unique cultural experience, we at Kooyman would like to join in on the celebration and show our support toward these lovely ladies and the Staff of the SCDF who are dedicated to keeping up the culture.” said Nico Boersma, Kooyman Store Manager.

“Come out and show your support this Saturday for the carnival queens as they present themselves one last time before they compete during the Teen, Senior & Mature 2015 carnival queen pageants. The contestants are excited and can’t wait to show what they have in-store for this year”, said Pageant Coordinator Aishira Cicilia.

Be sure to get your tickets for the Miss Mature Queen Pageant taking place on April 20th and the Teen & Senior Queen Pageant on April 21st 2015.

For more information on this event, please visit