Two injuried in serious accident on Bishop hill road


DUTCH QUARTER, Sint Maarten — The Traffic Department of the St. Maarten Police Force, is busy conducting an investigation into the cause of an accident which took place at around 1:50 early Monday morning.

Initial reports indicate that a woman who was driving a white Daihatsu Charade vehicle on Bishop hill road, with number-plate P-4751, and heading to the Dutch Quarter Round-a-Bout, for unknown reason lost control of her vehicle and collided head-on with a Gray Kia Rio with French number plate 1940AAA.

The Kia Rio was driven by a french man who had just exited the round-a-about on the Bishop hill road, heading towards Oyster-pond.

The female driver Daihatsu Charade suffered cuts to her forehead. Also in the car was the toddler son of the female driver who suffered injuries to his head.

Both victims were transported by the Ambulance to the St Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) for further treatment.

The driver of the KIA Rio escaped without suffering any injuries.

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