Taxi driver Eustace is the fourth traffic Fatality for the year


20150607_145102Phiipsburg, Sint Maarten — Taxi driver (Taxi 406) Eustace Wallace a.k.a. Berridge or Blacks, became the fourth traffic fatality on St Maarten. Wallace was involved in a traffic accident on Walter Nisbeth road on May 12th 2015 at approximately 09.00 p.m.

A Police Report on the accident stated that on the accident scene, the investigating officers observed that the accident was between a silver colored Kia Rio with license plate P-5474 which was driving on the Walter Nisbet road and a blue Honda Odyssey with license plate TAXI-406 driving on the Cornelius Vlaun Street.

The impact was severe leaving both drivers injured. The driver of the Kia suffered cuts to his forehead and several bruises to his face. He also complained of pain in his neck and chest. The driver of the Honda complained of severe pain in his body and could not move on his own.

Both victims were treated on the scene by paramedics and then transported to the Sint Maarten Medical Center. Wallace was later shipped off island for further medical help. He suffered more complication from his injuries and died on May 27th 2015. He was laid to rest on June 2nd 2015.

Eustace Wallace became the fourth traffic fatality for the year 2015.

Previous Press Release Pubish on May 13, 2015…. click here



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