Council of Education and Labor of the Dutch Caribbean gives presentation to Government stakeholders


Philipsburg, St. Maarten  – The Council of Education and Labor of the Dutch Caribbean (known as ROA CN) made a working visit to St. Maarten in June 2015 in which one of its activities was to conduct a presentation on its organization and render advice and tips to St. Maarten on setting up its own Council of Education and Labor.

St. Maarten is already in the process of establishing its own Council of Education and Labor therefore the presentation was very beneficial to government stakeholders who are busy with establishing the council. Present at the information session were Honorable Minister Bourne-Gumbs, representatives of Minister Bourne-Gumbs’ cabinet, representatives of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports and representatives of the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labor.

Director of the Council of Education and Labor Dutch Caribbean, Elyane Paul, conducted the information session. Attendees were fully engaged and very inquisitive. Minister Bourne-Gumbs lauded the efforts to host such a session and thanked the Council of Education and Labor for preparing such an informative presentation.

The session was coordinated by the Division of Educational Innovation (DEI) and financed by OCW funds made available via Usona.