THE NETHERLANDS — The weather warning initially issued for Saturday was upgraded to a code red alert for hard winds holding at up to 110 km/h on the western coast of the Netherlands. The extra caution covers Zeeland and Zuid-Holland beginning at 11 a.m., and Noord-Holland from noon, according to the government meteorological agency KNMI.

Each province’s red alert reduces to a code yellow after about four hours. Meanwhile, a code orange alert is in effect in Noord-Brabant from noon to 5 p.m. for lightning and gusts of up to 100 km/h. The weather alert covering Utrecht was upgraded to a code orange for similar wind gusts between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.

Un bista live di loke awor aki ta pasando ku e haagse toren kaminda hopi studiante yu di korsou ta biba na e momentuman aki. polisnan tin kaya sera pa motibu di un kran ku tin kual ta menasando pa dal den e edifisio debi na e mal tempu ku tin.

Posted by Radio Direct 107.1FM on Saturday, July 25, 2015

HOLAND 7-001The rest of the country is under a code yellow advisory into the early evening hours, first for lightning in the eastern provinces starting in the late morning hours. Sustained winds of 80-90 km/h are expected around the Netherlands through as late as 9 p.m.

Scattered showers are possible on Sunday, and likely on Monday and Tuesday. Gusty winds up to 40 km/h may continue into Wednesday morning.

Source: NL Times


En dit is dus de reden waarom wij hebben besloten om het programma vandaag niet door te laten gaan. Wij moeten er niet denken dat er een parade door de stad gaat en honderdduizenden mensen rondlopen met deze weersomstandigheden. Wat vind jij?

Posted by Zomercarnaval Rotterdam on Saturday, July 25, 2015

HOLAND 5-001

Boom zegt krakAan de Brouwersgracht in Amsterdam staat na vandaag een boom minder. In de woonboot onder de boom zaten drie Zweedse toeristen. Ze bleven ongedeerd en worden momenteel door de brandweer bevrijd. De drie drinken ondertussen een glaasje wijn om van de schrik te bekomen.

Posted by NOS on Saturday, July 25, 2015