SIMPSONBAY, Sint Maarten — IGY MARINAS, owner of The Yacht Club Isle de Sol and the Simpson Bay Marina on St. Maarten, recently sponsored the Foresee Foundation’s DigiKids initiative and fully supports their vision to bring 21st century learning to St. Maarten classrooms.
Director of Marina Operations and Planning for IGY Marinas, Mr. Brian Deher, commented that “IGY was very impressed with Foresee’s mission and strategy for implementing their goal of providing students, teachers and management with the infrastructure and training necessary to give our children the opportunity to use computers and other IT technology that will help them be more successful throughout their lives.” Mr. Deher went on to say that “I have had the opportunity to work with Mrs. Sommers on other initiatives to help improve the educational opportunities offered on St. Maarten and she has always proven herself to be extremely professional and dedicated so we trust that under her guidance the Foresee Foundation will be successful in accomplishing its goals.”
Foresee Foundation complimented IGY Marinas and Mr. Deher for their generous support and expressed its gratitude, knowing that Mr. Deher and his company always show a great heart towards education and its St. Maarten students. The donation will be used to further equip Helmich Snijders Christian School in St. Peters.
The Foundation is planning to have its 3rd DigiKidz school finalized by the end of this year. Currently the network structure is being installed after which the ICT and technology equipment will be purchased.
Treasurer of Foresee, John de Vroom expressed his gratitude and emphasized the importance of the donation towards education as youth these days needs to be engaged in learning in a different way than 50 years ago. Technology definitely contributes to making learning more exciting and productive. Jose Verschueren-Sommers, President added that it is a truly humbling and extremely rewarding experience to receive all this positive feedback and amazing donations from so many involved persons and organizations in our community. The board members, the 12- person DigiKidz team and DigiKidz schools are all very impressed with the high level of support by the local community and would like to thank all sponsors and supporters.
Other Interested persons and organizations who would also like to join in co-sponsoring the DigiKidz projects can contact the board at 581 5050 or send an email to [email protected].
In the picture from left to right: Jose Sommers- President 4C, Brian Deher, Owner Ile de Sol Yacht Club and Simpson Bay Marina and John de Vroom – 4C Treasurer.