'Michele Palella wins spot to train at a Belgium football youth camp in 2016'


Oualichi WSA proud to send talented Sint Maarten youth to a European Football training camp

Cayhill- During the Oualichi International Summer Soccer Camp, Michele Palella won a spot to train at a professional Belgian football camp organised by Progress Sports.

The Oualichi summer camp has been a yearly event since 2013 and this year marked the first time that Oualichi expanded the camp to include boys as well. Oualichi partnered with Progress Sports from Belgium, bringing in coaches from the Manchester United in England and Danish Silkeborg IF.

Mr. Guy Peters, the CEO of Progress Sports and coach, also coached attendees together with Oualichi coaches Dagmar Daal, Alexandra den Ouden, Iris Hakkens, Hilda Cecilia, Herlis Batista and Jonathan Usuga. The camp has been very successful with over 60 kids registering for a 3 day event that took place on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of July.

“It is the first time we are able to send a talented young player to train at a European camp,” commented Oualichi Youth head coach Dagmar Daal. Oualichi WSA hopes that for next year it will be able to organize the same platform with more European coaches coming to Sint Maarten to train local children in an intensive training programme. Michele Palella, who goes to St. Dominic High school and is 13 years of age, will travel next summer to Belgium for his chance to practice with some of the best coaches in Europe.