MP's W. V.Marlin, S.A. Wescot-Williams, G. Pantophlet and C. Emmanuel requested an URGENT meeting of Parliament

PHIIPSBURG, The following request was made today by  the opposition factions NA and DP.
Confirmation has been received that this point has been added to the agenda of the public meeting of Monday, August 17, 2015. The initial agenda point for Monday’s meeting is the draft national  ordinance for the establishment of an integrity chamber.

The undersigned members of Parliament,  W. V.Marlin, S.A. Wescot-Williams, G. Pantophlet and C. Emmanuel hereby request an URGENT meeting of Parliament.

The agenda point for this meeting is:

 The protocol signed between the Dutch and St. Maarten governments and the apparent unilateral  decision by the Dutch government a/o Dutch police agencies regarding the justice system on St. Maarten.

The undersigned members also request that this agenda point be added to the agenda of the Public meeting of August 17th, given the relevance of the topic for the agenda point of this public  meeting and the urgency of the matter at hand.—-