“Princess Pajama Story time” with Little Miss St. Martin Queen Trinity Christina 


pennys-721news-150x530-vitrical-2GREAT BAY, St. Martin (August 4, 2015)—Trinity Christina, the reigning “Little Miss St. Martin,” is hosting a free Princess Pajama Story time for girls, ages 7 – 12 at Philipsburg Jubilee Library on Friday, August 7, at 6:30 pm – 8 pm, said Nzinga Lake, director of the Little Miss St. Martin Pageant.

“We are encouraging parents, big sisters, and brothers to bring their daughters, sisters, cousins, and friends to the storytelling program,” said Lake.

Trinity, 9, “is busy practicing for her storytelling role, which is one of her duties as the current Little Miss St. Martin. The storytelling promotes fun reading and reading comprehension as a way to help children do better in school,” said Lake.

“The Princess Pajama Story time is the second Little Miss St. Martin storytelling program, which centers around a particular book or book series. Former Little Miss St. Martin Queen Genesis Meyers hosted the first the story time for over 60 children in 2014, and Lizzy Lizard was the main storybook,” said Lake.

On Friday, Trinity will read stories that encourage girls to dream big, to value friendship, and to respect their parents. To end the evening, we will have Karaoke time, where the girls will sing to Disney hits like ‘Let it Go’ from the movie Frozen. In 2014 we catered to both boys and girls but this year we are hosting only girls with the theme of ‘Disney Princesses,’” said Lake.

“Little Miss Trinity is also inviting the runners-up and past contestants to come and support her and to bring a friend” to the pajama party story time, said Lake.

“We are encouraging the girls to come in their favorite PJs, bring their favorite pillow, blanket, and teddy bears or dolls, and settle in for stories, songs, karaoke and fun,” said Lake. There will be light snacks, including cupcakes for the attendees.

Part of the annual reading program is for the Little Miss St. Martin winner “to practice ‘giving back’ at a young age to her community, school, peers, family, and St. Maarten/St. Martin as a whole,” said Lake. Trinity Christina is a student at Sister Borgia School.

The pageant’s overall program guides the Little Miss St. Martin queen “to meet and greet her community and library officials; and to be involved in activities where she can express herself and gain valuable communication skills,” said Lake.

For further information about Friday’s story time, future child-friendly activities, and the annual Little Miss St. Martin Pageant for St. Martin Day in November, parents, guardians, and adult siblings can contact Nzinga Lake at [email protected].

Photo caption: Trinity Christina, the reigning “Little Miss St. Martin.” (Photo: Jeremyah Shaark)