SGA of AUIS St Maarten Medical School, extends condolences to the family of a Officer Gamali Benjamin


Dear Paparazzi/721news,

Svetlana Iskhakova and i am a student and a president to Student Government Association of American University of Integrated Science, St Maarten School of Medicine
Svetlana Iskhakova President of the Student Government Association of American University of Integrated Science, St Maarten School of Medicine

My name is Svetlana Iskhakova and i am a student and a president to Student Government Association of American University of Integrated Science, St Maarten School of Medicine (in Cole Bay). I am writing on behalf of other students in our school to express our sympathy and condolences to the family of a Officer Gamali Benjamin through you.

We truly appreciate and are very thankful to the police on St Maarten for extending their protection to us as well as other residents.

We respect and cherish the work that police does here with the resources (protection) they have.

It is a difficult time for everyone now here during the mourning of Officer Gamali Benjamin, and we once again offer our thoughts and prayers to the family of the deceased.

Sincerely, SGA of AUIS St Maarten Medical School