Tropical Storm Danny slows down… Max. winds: 50mph, may possibly strengthen further


TROPICAL STORM DANNY UPDATE – Local 10 Chief Certified Meteorologist Betty Davis has the very latest on Tropical Storm Danny… its current status and future path. Something for South Florida to keep an eye out for.

Posted by WPLG Local 10 on Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tropical Storm Danny slows down…

As of 5pm, Tropical Storm Danny is still on track towards the Lesser Antilles, and its center is…
 * Located: 11.5 N 42.0 W (+/- 1400 miles ESE of St. Maarten)
* Max. winds: 50mph, may possibly strengthen further
* Moving: W at 10mph
* Forecasted track: near/at local region by next Monday, if it continues on its present track.

Regardless of development, TS Danny is forecast to bring some much needed rain to the Eastern CaribbeanWe will continue to monitor its progress.  

Elsewhere in the Atlantic…

The weak tropical wave ahead of T.S. Danny has weakened further and is expected to south of the local region later tonight — possibly bringing a couple brief showers with it.

Prepare your families, homes, and properties in advance of any tropical systems during the season — Don’t get caught off-guard.

Remember to have & keep your Hurricane Kit ready throughout this hurricane season.
Additionally, stay tuned to our Facebook fan page for periodic Hurricane Information.


  • St. Maarten = 18.0°N, 63.1°W | Saba = 17.6°N, 63.2°W | St. Eustatius = 17.5°N, 63.0°W
  • Remaining names for this year’s Atlantic Hurricane Season are: Danny, Erika, Fred, Grace, Henri, Ida, Joaquin, Kate, Larry, Mindy, Nicholas, Odette, Peter, Rose, Sam, Teresa, Victor, Wanda.
  • Future Tropical updates will be sent out periodically (as needed).