Attorney-general Gerrit van de Burg on working visit in the Caribbean


PHILIPSBURG – Gerrit van de Burg, member of the Dutch ‘College van Procureurs-Generaal’ and Steven Burgmeijer, ‘concerndirecteur’ of the Public Prosecutors Office in the Netherlands were this week on a working visit in the Caribbean.

The visit started last Sunday on Sint Maarten and lasts until Friday. During the week they also visited Curaçao, Bonaire and Aruba.

The agenda included the fight against transnational subversive crime (ondermijnende criminaliteit). The delegation has spoken about the project to combat the subversive crime in Sint Maarten the most adequate and effective way. Discussions were also held on all islands on the legal aspects and staffing period for the OM staff from the Netherlands working in the Caribbean.

The delegation was received in Sint Maarten by Attorney General Guus Schram. In Sint Maarten, Curaçao and Bonaire meetings were held with each Chief Public Prosecutor and all expatriate staff from the Netherlands working in the Caribbean.

The delegation will visit Friday the new location of the Public Prosecutors Office on the Waaigat in Curaçao. This new location for the OM Curaçao will soon open its doors.

Thursday the delegation will be on Aruba where talks will be held with the Attorney General and the Chief Public Prosecutor from Aruba.