St Maarten POLICE REPORT September 24th 2015


Robbery suspect arrested

Police arrested its first suspect in the ongoing armed robbery investigation of the Sonesta Great Bay Casino, which took place on September 18th 2015. During the robbery the culprits managed to steal an undisclosed amount of cash. Shortly after the robbery a possible suspect in this case was chased by police in the vicinity of the Sint Maarten Zoo but he was however successful in avoiding his capture that day.

An amount of cash believed to be that from the robbery was found in the vehicle the suspect left behind. Based on information received and intense investigation done by the police department the suspect in question was apprehended at a home in Middle Region Wednesday September 23rd in the evening.

The arrest took place without any resistance. The 39 year male suspect remains in custody for questioning and further investigation.


Suspects invade home/ Shots fired at police

Several police patrols and detectives were directed, by the Central Dispatch, to a home on Pointsetta road in Betty Estate on Thursday September 24th at approximately 10.30 a.m. The officers were sent to investigate a case of “home invasion” that was taking place at that moment, at the home in question.

The call came in from a seemingly very scared female victim, who stated that she and her child were alone at home and that two unknown men, dressed in dark clothing, armed with handguns had forced themselves into her home and that they was in hiding.

At the arrival on the scene of the first police patrol they indeed saw one of the suspects who was dressed completely in black, wearing a bullet proof vest, with his face covered, holding a gun in his hand, walking on the premises.

As the officers approached the suspect, he aimed and fired a shot at them and then took off running towards the back of the building into the hills. Neither of the officers was hit. The officers took cover and then returned fire; however they were not successful in hitting the suspect. When back-up arrived an intense search of the area was done, but none of the suspects were found.

The female victim who was obviously traumatized of the incident and her child were not physically injured. They were both checked out by paramedics. Forensic was on the scene collecting evidence. The investigation into this case will be dealt with by the Special Robbery Unit.



The police department is informing the general public and those persons responsible for any criminal activity in our community, to rest assure that the police will not be intimidated by this type of action. The police will do everything in its power, to locate and apprehend those responsible.

In this case it is clear to see that the suspects were totally prepared to confront law enforcement and were the ones to initiate the gunfight. This criminal act is totally un- acceptable in any society.

These criminals can rest assure that the police will not stop or back down in the fight against crime. The police will continue, under all circumstances, to perform their duty,  and which is to provide safety and security to the community and visitors to Sint Maarten.