Taxi Drivers and Immigration Officers Complete Service Excellence Training


PHILIPSBURG – The St. Maarten Tourist Bureau hosted two customer service training programs under the banners, “The Successful Taxi Driver Training,” and “St. Maarten Immigration Department Service Excellence Training.”  Approximately 50 persons took part.

Immigration Officers and Taxi Drivers are the first persons that a visitor to the island meets at the Airport.

Tourists get a first impression from these individuals, and therefore the training enhances service delivery and quality.  These workers are also considered as part of the backbone of the country’s tourism economy.

The St. Maarten Tourist Bureau recently presented a certificate to the first batch of those who had completed the training.  A second presentation of certificates to Taxi Drivers and Immigration Officers is scheduled to take place on September 25.

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PHOTO CUTLINE: Immigration Officers and Taxi Drivers receive their certificates in the presence of Tourist Bureau Head Gus Priest (1st left) and a presentative from the Cabinet of the Minister of Tourism Affairs Bernard Hunt (1st right). (DCOMM Photo)