Governor Holiday concludes consultations regarding recent political developments

HE Governor drs. Eugene B. Holiday

Harbour View – On October 5, 2015, His Excellency the Governor of Sint Maarten, drs. E.B. Holiday, concluded consultations regarding recent political developments.

As was communicated earlier, the Governor received a letter on September 30th, 2015, from three members of Parliament, Mr. F. Richardson, Mr. S. Matser and Mr. M. Lake, in which they informed the Governor that they withdrew their support from the present coalition government. Subsequently the Governor was informed that on September 30th, 2015, just after noon Parliament of Sint Maarten passed a motion of no-confidence against the current cabinet of ministers. According to article 33, second paragraph, of the Constitution of Sint Maarten, if a minister no longer has the confidence of the Parliament, he shall make his position available.

It is noted that thus far the ministers have not made their positions available to the Governor.

The Governor also received a separate letter signed by the 4 members of the NA-fraction, the DP-fraction, the USP-fraction and members of Parliament S. Matser and M. Lake in which they informed him of their willingness to form the next government of Sint Maarten. The letter included an attached Governing Accord signed by the abovementioned 8 members of Parliament.

Moreover, following the motion of no-confidence the Council of Ministers invoked article 59 of the Constitution of Sint Maarten and submitted a national decree to call for new elections and dissolve Parliament to the Governor.

Considering these political developments and the importance of an orderly political and constitutional process for our country the Governor held consultations with the Prime-Minister, the leaders of all political parties represented in Parliament, the independent members of Parliament, the Chairman of Parliament and the Vice Chairperson of the Council of Advice between September 30th and October 5th, 2015.

Having reviewed the correspondence that he received and following completion of the consultations regarding the current political developments the Governor has informed parties that there is no basis not to form a new government based on the new majority in Parliament. Governor Holiday is herewith appealing to all stakeholders to do all that is necessary to maintain and protect the integrity of our constitutional democracy and to foster actions in keeping with our constitution based on the rule of law.