Controllers of Section School Bussing and Taxi Dispatch sanction school bus driver for faulty vehicle. Controls to continue


IMG-20151120-WA0006-001GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – While out on patrol on November 18th, Controllers of Section School Bussing and Taxi Dispatch of the Inspectorate of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunications (Ministry TEATT),detected a school bus on the public road with defective brake lights.

The bus was ordered to pull off the road and was controlled. During the control several failures were observed, the rear bumper was in need of repair, the rear right-hand side glass was cracked, the entrance door was also found not to be functioning properly. At this point the Controllers proceeded to investigate further and found that the vehicle documentation was also not in order.

The Controllers ordered the school bus out of service immediately and sanctioned the bus driver. The bus was not transporting school children at the time of the control.

The Inspectorate TEATT recognizes the great lengths and costs that school bus owners go through to ensure that their busses are well maintained, safe to operate and most importantly safe to transport school children.

However, the department will continue to strictly enforce the rule of law for those found not to be adhering to the law and department policy.

School buses must always be operated safely and be in a technically sound and sanitary condition at all times.

Controls such as these will continue and violators will be dealt with swiftly and strictly.

For questions, concerns or complaints please visit the Inspectorate of TEATT at Tamarindesteeg #16 (Yellow Building) on the Pondfill, call 5424511 or email the Inspectorate at [email protected].

PHOTO CUTLINE: Violations documented by the controllers.