Final High School Soccer Competition to take place this Saturday 12 December  'MPC female and PSVE male team at the top'

MPC vs PSVE-001Cayhill, Sint Maarten — the final standings are in and six schools have managed to obtain a spot for the finals of the competition.
The top team for the male section is PSVE Academy who participated for the first time in the competition and won most of their games.
They will go against MPC while  St. Dominic High and Caribbean International Academy will compete for third place.
For the female section it is the MPC girls that held a strong performance throughout the competition and who will be competing against St. Dominic High for first place upcoming Saturday. Not far behind are the combination Sundial/Charlotte Brookson team against MAC high.
The competition lasted six weeks with seven high schools registering to participate in the Oualichi WSA and the St. Maarten Soccer Association organised event.
The games will start at 6:00 pm and takes place at the Raoul Illidge Sports Complex.
For more information follow the Oualichi Women’s Soccer Association and Sint Maarten Soccer Association Facebook pages.
Photo by Milton Pieters