French provider comes with superfast internet


St. Maarten – A new internet provider from the French side of the island is working on launching island wide superfast internet connections for St. Martin and St. Maarten. The new internet provider will be offering the service at about twenty times the speed of the connections that are available at the moment.

Yesterday the company was conducting several connection related tests in the Philipsburg area. It is not known what kind of technique they will be using, but most likely they will make use of a hybrid internet type of connection. Hybrid internet is already being used in Europe and the United States on remote locations and areas dominated by rocky soil for quite some time.

The hybrid technique is a combination of regular landlines and wireless signals. Hybrid internet is well known for its high speed and for the reliability of the connection.

The technicians refused to tell what the name of the new company will be. They only said that they were specifically told and instructed not to tell anything about the name and the background of the company. But they eventually admitted that the testing was part of the early setup stage of the company itself and the fundamentals of the company’s network.

Source Today Newspaper