Port St. Maarten signs HR training agreement with USM/SCELL


PORT ST. MAARTEN – Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mark Mingo on Tuesday afternoon during a year-end general staff meeting signed a human resources training agreement with the University of St. Martin (USM) under the banner, “The 2016 Core Values 4 P’s Program of Excellence.”

Port St. Maarten’s Human Resource (HR) Manager, Iris Scot, contacted Dr. Natasha Gittens who is the Director of USMs new school named the St. Martin School of Continuing Education and Life Long Learning (SCELL), which was officially launched in August 2015, and together they created this program.

The 4 P’s stand for: Power Up, Positive Thinking, Practice and Performance.  The training program workshops will kick-off on January 18, 2016 and run through December.

Prior to the signing of the agreement with USM, Mingo stated that the workshops for the 79 staff members of Port St. Maarten, was value added to the organization.

“Port St. Maarten is number 1 in the Caribbean.  We need to maintain this status, and we need to keep investing in our human resources in order to continue on the track that has been built making us the lead port in the Caribbean.

“At the same time, we need to support local educational institutions that can deliver on the requirements of the business community.  USM can deliver the talents that we need.  I am very pleased that we are able to ink this agreement with USM as the vehicle to excellence whereby the St. Maarten business community is provided with the tools they need to develop human capital and to increase service excellence,” CEO Mark Mingo concluded.

Signing on behalf of USM was President Dr. Francio Guadeloupe and CEO Mark Mingo on behalf of Port St. Maarten. Also present was SCELL Director Dr. Natasha Gittens, and senior Port Management officials.

The workshops throughout the 12-month period will be fun-filled, engaging, incorporate role playing, interactive discussions, news-feeds, and special media moments among other things.  The goal of the program is to enrich employees with important facts on core values, integrity, the Port’s history and its vitality to the economic sustainability of St. Maarten and much more.

HR Manager Iris Scot said that the 4 P’s Core Values Campaign is designed to foster a renewed commitment from Port employees to reconnect with their understanding of the Port’s History, Vision, Mission and Culture of Integrity and Core Values.

The workshops will be facilitated to four groups of 20 employees twice a month for 90 minute sessions.

Areas of concentration of the program will be: history and culture; vision; mission; integrity; customer centricity; social responsibility; respectful cooperation; transparent communication; loyalty; dedication; passion; and resolution.

SCELL is an initiative developed based on many successful training relationships that USM established over the past year.  SCELL is the business arm of USM which offers clients professionalism and a customized translation of their requests in the form of trainings, workshops, and courses that lead to certification.

PHOTO CUTLINE: L to R: SCELL Director Dr. Natasha Gittens, USM President Dr. Francio Guadeloupe, CEO Mark Mingo, Chief Financial Officer Ton van Kooten (back row), Chief Operations Officer Richard van der Mark and Human Resource Manager Iris Scot and the staff of Port St. Maarten, as the agreement is signed between the Port and USM/SCELL.