St. Maarten Lions Club inducts four new members


Philipsburg, Sint Maarten — The St. Maarten Lions Club inducted four(4) new members at their recently held 45th Anniversary Celebration at Moomba Restaurant. District 60B Governor Lion Marvin Grant MJF was on hand from Tortola to conduct the induction ceremony.

The four new Lions are Roy Fraser sponsored by Lion Richard Boyd, Darryl Stuart sponsored by Lion Claudius Buncamper, Betty Ellis sponsored by Lion Lisandra Havertong and Cheryl Rismay sponsored by Lion Carmen Lake-Reyes.   
The four new Lions underwent a special new member orientation session conducted by two Past District Governor’s Lion Wally Havertong PMJF and Lion Claudius Buncamper PMJF one week before their induction at the St. Maarten Lions Club Den whereby they were given information on Lions Club organizational structure, history, membership benefits, service activities among many other things.
Lions Cheryl, Betty, Roy and Darryl will be immediately start Lions Club service by being assigned to various committees that will be producing projects during the rest of the Lionistic year under the present Club President Lion Eldert Louisa. Persons that are seriously interested in becoming Lion members can email the St. Maarten Lions Club on [email protected]     
Photo Caption: From (left to right) Lion Betty Ellis, Lion Cheryl Rismay, Lion Darryl Stuart and Lion Roy Fraser in the foreground at their induction ceremony.