Lions Club thanks Diabetic Foundation for support at Health & Wellness Fair


PHILIPSBURG – The Lions Club of St. Maarten made a check presentation to the St. Maarten Diabetic Foundation on Saturday, March 5, for the group’s continued support of the Lion Rudy Hoeve Health & Wellness Fair, which it hosts each year.

Saturday was the 8th year of the Health & Wellness Fair at the Festival Village, and also the 8th year that a presentation has been made to the Diabetic Foundation for carrying out hundreds of blood pressure, cholesterol and other tests during the one-day fair.

The presentation was made to Foundation members Lottie Peterson and Amanda Wever, who both thanked the Lions Club members and representatives of the Rudy Hoeve family for the kind donation. The donation is used each year to purchase testing equipment and materials and also for the promotion of diabetes awareness in the St. Maarten community.

Making the presentation was Lion’s Club President Eldert Louisa, along with other Lion’s Club members.

“It has become something of a tradition to make this donation to the Diabetic Foundation, who have been with the Health & Wellness Fair from day one,” said Lion President Eldert. He said it is also fitting that the presentation was made in the presence of the late Lion Rudy Hoeve’s family, after whom the Health & Wellness Fair has been named.

“It was Lion Rudy who had the vision to promote good health and especially in creating sight awareness in the St. Maarten community by having an annual event of this kind eight years ago, and in making this presentation we not only honor that vision by remembering his contribution and also thank the members of his family for their continued support,” added Eldert.

Photo Caption:

St. Maarten Diabetic Foundation members Amanda Wever (left) and Lottie Peterson (right) are all smiles after receiving a donation from Lions Club president Eldert Louisa, Saturday, during the group’s hosting of the annual Lion Rudy Hoeve Health & Wellness Fair. Also present at the presentation were members of the Rudy Hoeve family.