Common Court of Justice deals with several cases on April 6 and 7

Sint Maarten Courthouse

A summary of some of these cases follows:

The case against N.B., suspected of strangling a toddler who was entrusted to him on August  27, 2014, was a so-called “pro-forma” case.

This means that the case wasn’t ready to be handled, but was brought in front of the judges in light of the pre-trial detention period. N.B.’s defense lawyer also requested to hear new witnesses.

The Solicitor General pleaded against this request.

The Common Court of Justice will decide on April 26, on the request by the defense attorney, and will set a date for the handling of the case.

N.B. was sentenced on June 17, 2015, by the Court of First Instance to 12 years in jail.

The Common Court of Justice handled the appeal case against suspect B.H.

He was sentenced by the Court of First Instance in absentia to 27 months imprisonment for his role in the shooting and killing of L. Cuevas during a violent robbery on December 26, 2011.

The main suspect in this case, R.W. was sentenced to 11 years and six months in jail. He is believed to be the one who fired the lethal shots.

He appealed his verdict and the Common Court of Justice on November 25, 2015, acquitted R.W. of all charges against him, because of the lack of convincing evidence.

In light of the acquittal of the main suspect, the Solicitor General asked, in the appeal case against B.H., for the suspect to also be acquitted of all charges against him.

The Common Court of Justice will give its verdict on April 26.

Former Member of Parliament Leroy de Weever
Former Member of Parliament Leroy de Weever

The handling of the appeal case against P. de W. was postponed till August 24. His lawyer wanted to hear witnesses.

This request was allowed.

De W. is suspected of stealing blogger J.R.’s tablet during an altercation on Front Street on January 11, 2014.

He was sentenced by the Court of First Instance to a fine of NAf. 750.

Police officer Richmar redrum YorkThe so-called pre-trial review in the appeal case against former police officer R.Y. tuned out not be a pre-trial review at all.

His attorney did not present any new requests for further investigation.

The Joint Court of Justice will handle the case on August 24th 2016.

R.Y. was sentenced by the Court of First Instance on November 19, 2015, to 8 years in jail for manslaughter and illegal firearm possession.

He shot and killed Hakeem Kwame Isidora in Happy Estate, Belvedere on March 4, 2015.

Alexander Dwarkansing leaving the court house on Monday March 2nd in afternoon hours.
Alexander Dwarkansing leaving the court house on Monday March 2nd 2015 in afternoon hours.

The Solicitor General asked, in the appeal case against A.D. for a jail sentence of 3 years of which 1 year suspended, and the withdrawal of his driver’s license for 5 years.

A.D. is suspected of causing a traffic accident on Bishop Hill Road, which took the life of a 46-year-old pedestrian on February 28, 2015.

David Charles was walking down the road from his house to take garbage to the bin when he was hit by a Nissan X-Trail. A.D. had a blood alcohol content of 2.33, almost more than five times what is permitted by law.

He was sentenced by the Court of First Instance to 18 months imprisonment of which 9 months was suspended and a 3-year probation period.

His driver’s license was also revoked for 3 years.