Minister of Justice Kirindongo meets with Aruba’s Minister of Justice on Cooperation


GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM)On Friday, Minister of Justice Edson Kirindongo met with Aruba Minister of Justice Arthur Dowers in Oranjestad.  It was a work visit.

After a warm welcome ‎a number of issues was discussed. The Aruban Ministry of Justice is willing to assist Sint Maarten where possible.

Some of the topics discussed were: agreements made at the last Judicial Four-party Meeting (JVO) in January in Aruba; Aruba’s experience with Actpol Information Technology System; sustainable specialty cooperation from Aruba in the following areas, Police, Prison and Customs.

Also present during this meeting was, Aruba’s Attorney General, Marck van Erven, Aruba’s Solicitor, Frans van Deutekom, and Chief of the Police, Head Commissioner Adolfo Richardson.

PHOTO CUTLINE: L to R: Minister of Justice Hon. Edson Kirindongo, and Aruban Minister of Justice Arthur Dowers.