Press Release from the Board of the National Alliance


After the nonsensical press release of the UPP on Tuesday, which we must admit left us as a board a little confused, we would think that the UPP and independent members would try to save face by making a serious effort to work in the interest of the people.

We mean, a project that is clearly in the best interest of education and our youth, for the UPP to try to turn it into a political stunt is a show of desperation. The performance of this government is worrisome to the opposition, as comparisons would show that in less than 6 months, this NA-led government has been able to execute projects and make decisions, not to mention pass a balanced budget, while the UPP-led government was unable to get a single thing done in over a year.

With Government making progress to move into the Government building in a few months, the opposition saw it fit to ask for a meeting to discuss the plan Prime Minister William Marlin and Minister of Finance Richard Gibson put in place. Asking for clarification is the job of Parliament, and we applaud efforts of Opposition to request clarification when necessary. However, it would be prudent that if you call for a meeting to ask for clarification that you at least wait until the meeting is over before walking out.

To ask questions of the Prime Minister, and to leave when you realize that there is nothing wrong with the agreement with APS/SZV and Government, but that out-the-box thinking has led to Government not only moving into the building and saving millions in rent and significantly reducing government’s debt to APS/SZV.

The Prime Minister is famous for his win, win, win agreements and this seems like another one. The Opposition must agree since they were so convinced of the agreement that they didn’t even wait for the Prime Minister to answer.

Team National Alliance