Sarbani Manick Bag wins EPIC art competition


Pic 1. Sarbani Manick Bag, who won first place in the EPIC art competition.-002PHILIPSBURG – On Tuesday, April 19, winners of the EPIC art competition organized by Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) received their prizes.

The winners of the EPIC Art Competition are:

1st Place – Sarbani Manick Bag – St. Dominic High School

2nd Place – Rahul Sharma – St. Dominic High School

3rd Place – Dhiren Punjabi – Learning Unlimited Preparatory School

4th Place – Hannah Van Dam – Sr. Borgia Elementary School

5th Place – Aryan Notani – Learning Unlimited Preparatory School

The rules of the competition asked participants aged between 10 and 16 years old to create a drawing, painting or collage of their favorite animal, plant or natural area on St. Maarten.

Participants also had to write down, in a minimum of five lines, why what they drew, painted or created is important to them. Entries included depictions of beaches, pelicans, turtles, hummingbirds, trees and more.

All winners received an EPIC goodie bag and the first place winner also received an IView SupraPad 7” Tablet PC sponsored by Boolchand’s.

The foundation would like to thank all participants for showing how much they care about the island environment though their artwork. For more information about EPIC, and upcoming events visit: or like their page on

Pic 1: Sarbani Manick Bag, who won first place in the EPIC art competition.