BTP staff participate in 5-day Telecom Course


PHILIPSBURG – Bureau Telecommunications and Post (BTP) St. Maarten staff members Sidney de Weever and Ryan Wijngaarde participated in a 5-day Telecom mini MBA at the TDC in Philipsburg, to extend their knowledge on a large variety of Telecom-related topics and future developments in the industry.

The training was hosted by the Telecoms Academy, a trainings institute known for their unparalleled Telecom knowledge, highly specialist skills, and ongoing efforts to help the telecom industry learn and grow.

During the course, three trainers from Great Britain shared their knowledge on financial, technical, commercial and regulatory aspects within the sector. The lectures also covered global trends and leadership.

BTP is pleased that staff of telecom providers UTS and TelEm also participated in the training, as it demonstrates their commitment in the further development of communication services on St. Maarten.

Director of BTP Anthony Carty stated: “it is of great importance that our employees receive training in various topics within the telecom industry. This is vital to properly regulate the market, and to be able to stimulate developments such as Fiber-to-the-Home/Business and the deployment of 4G networks. These developments have the potential to make significant contributions to the economy, and to improve the wellbeing of the St. Maarten population.”

Carty congratulated his staff members, as well as all other participants, for successfully passing this high level Telecom Course.