First preparatory meeting takes place for HUREX 2016


GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – The first preparatory meeting in preparation for Hurricane Exercise 2016 (HUREX 2016) took place earlier this week in the conference room at the Fire & Ambulance Department in Cay Hill.

HUREX takes place on an annual basis and includes the 10 Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) from the country’s Disaster Management Organization along with the Dutch military detachment based on the island.

The exercise takes place under the banner of the Fire Department/Office of Disaster Management.

The exercise allows all relevant government agencies along with the military to familiarize themselves with operational protocols in the event of a disaster and in this case a hurricane.

The 2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season officially opens on June 1 and runs through November 30.

This year’s HUREX will also include disaster assets from Saint Martin (French side).  Attending the meeting from the French side were representatives from the Prefecture, the Collectivite and the Red Cross St. Martin.

During the meeting, a presentation was given by the Royal Dutch Marines with respect to their assets that they have on island and those overseas.

Five breakout session groups were put together during the meeting that discussed the following: public order and safety; shelters; medical; Emergency Operations Center matters; and Franco-Dutch Cooperation.

There were also several plenary presentations by sub-groups.

HUREX 2016 will start on June 16 and conclude with an evaluation meeting on June29.

The Office of Disaster Management falls under the Ministry of General Affairs.

PHOTO CUTLINE: Fire Chief/Disaster Coordinator Clive Richardson (left) chairing the HUREX 2016 preparatory meeting. (DCOMM Photo)