Antigua trounces St. Maarten in a hard hitting match


ECVA men’s under 23 volleyball 2016 Match 6
Bulletin # 1 Click Here

Article by Winston Duncan

Team of Antigua Barbuda during the national anthem against Dutch Saint MarrtenANTIGUA — The raucous home crowd  was treated to a no holds barred volleyball match in which Antigua and Barbuda defeated  St. Maarten  with a score of 25,17; 26, 24;  25, 22 . Antigua ran a wide gamut of plays against their opponents, who were unable to stop them.

Antigua’s all round efforts was spear headed by Jamarie James, Davis Cairon, Captain Adrian Constant and Amoy Lee. The fearsome quartet of hitters opted to share a mixture of spine tingling hits and nerve racking serves.

Celebration of Antigua & Barbuda against Dutch Saint MarrtenTeam St. Maarten tried to offer some resistance to the onslaught but the defense could not withstand the constant barrage of hits.  Shaquille Rombley stood out as a beacon of hope as he was the leading scorer and an unstoppable force that rebuffed Antigua. Shawn Gumbs and Derrick Tidort also provided some respite with good offense.

Celebration of Antigua & Barbua against Dutch Saint Marrten_ 02Antigua’s captain and Coach Collin Mickey Thomas shared similar sentiments in that the team started out strongly by relaxed during the course of the game.  Both gentlemen see the team improving as they play more games.

St. Maarten’s captain Evander Blijden and Coach Demitri Beauperthuy felt the team got off to a slow start  and must make amends in the next game with the hope of making it to the semi finals. Pictures by Ernesto Beltre

Evander Blijden of Dutch Saint Marrten sets against Antigua & Barbado

Garian Lindsay of Antigua & Barbuda spikes against Dutch Saint Marrten_ 03

Team Dutch Saint Marrten during the national anthem against Antigua Barbuda

Team of Dutch Saint Marrten