GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – The Inspectorate of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunications would like to inform all School Bus Operators (SBOs) that the annual control of school buses is approaching.
This control will commence on July 20th 2016 up to August 10th 2016. The inspection will be carried in conformance with Chapter IV of the Wegenverkeersverordening AB 2013, GT no. 133.
Inspections will be conducted on an appointment basis only. The inspections will take place on the Ring Road directly across the street from the Yellow Building on the W.J.A. Nisbeth Road (Pondfill).
The Inspectorate requests all SBO’s to bring along to the inspection copies of valid proof of motor vehicle inspection and valid motor vehicle insurance.
SBO’s must also present a list of all drivers of school buses they operate including a color copy of a valid driver’s license. School buses must be in good mechanical condition, all safety and emergency mechanisms, systems, features or other aids must be fully operational.
The interior of the bus must be in a sanitary condition, there should be no ripped or torn seats, windows on the school bus must be manufactured of safety glass and must not be tinted, neither should there be any cracked, broken or otherwise damaged safety glass anywhere on the bus. These are just some of the items that will be covered during the safety inspection.
For questions or concerns please contact the Inspectorate via telephone at 542-4511/09, visit us at Tamarindesteeg 16 (Yellow Building) between 0830AM-4PM or email the Inspectorate at[email protected]