SDM: “The status quo got to go”


PHILIPSBURG – The St. Maarten Development Movement (SDM) held its first official membership meeting last week. Party leader Benjamin Ortega introduced the members to SDM’s board, and some of its candidates for the upcoming election on September 26. Members were given insight into SDM’s platform where they were given the opportunity to present and add their points of concerns.

“3 R’s play a significant role on SDM’s platform:

  • Reforming of our Government system,
  • Rights (Promoting equality/improving the quality of life for everyone and not only a selected few, and
  • Revolutionizing the way things are done, while promoting change (Innovation),” SDM said in a statement.

“SDM believes that good governance is a major ingredient for change. Governance is the process and institutions through which decisions are made and authority in a country is exercised. Good governance entails inclusiveness and accountability. All people in St. Maarten should be treated equal and provided the opportunity to participate in the governance process and to hold government accountable for decisions taken. Reform efforts should therefore be aimed at enhancing inclusivity, accountability, political stability and the rule of law,” the release continued.

“Our government should furthermore give more clarity to the people in St. Maarten by providing a united goal that we can collectively achieve. Clarity of direction, by means of a masterplan that includes intended expenditures, will give businesses in and outside St. Maarten reason to invest and to make long-term commitments.

“A strong governance will in return attract business and will also maintain that relationship. Given the current public disappointment in our existing political leaders SDM believes it’s time to change leadership completely. A new generation politicians should be given the opportunity to rebuild the trust between the people of St. Maarten and their government to improve our business environment, which will ultimately lead to more investments and economic growth. New leaders with innovative ideas. Change is what St. Maarten needs,” the release said.

“The Status quo got to go!” SDM stated.

SDM announced more upcoming community membership meetings.

The information will be communicated through the various media outlets.

Follow them on Facebook “St. Maarten Development Movement,” email: [email protected] or call, text or WhatsApp +1(721) 520-1002.