SCELL launches 5 boot camps for September


PHILIPSBURG – The University of St. Martin’s (USM) School of Continuing Education and Life Long Learning (SCELL) pronounced September as “Get Ready for the High Season,” on their first anniversary on August 1.

In preparation for the “Get Ready for High Season” month, SCELL’s Training and Development team has launched 5 new boot camps. SCELL’s boot camps are 2-day trainings that have been customized to meet the needs of diverse professionals.

SCELL Director Dr. Natasha Gittens stated: “SCELL is committed to filling the gaps in professional development in St. Maarten and the Caribbean at large. Our research team identifies gaps within organizational communities and we replace them with solutions, innovative, 21st century training opportunities that have been proven effective in thriving organizations all over the world.”

SCELL’s successful Professional boot camp will assist professionals with understanding the importance of professional attire, appropriate speech and language, time management, meeting management, business writing, email and phone etiquette, personal goal setting, career development and educational planning. Participants will receive an effective overview of all the things they must have in place in their lives to move forward and achieve goals of becoming a successful professional and employee. This boot camp will be held September 7-8.   

The Customer Service boot camp will discuss the principles of effective customer service and customer care, and employees will be introduced to proven practices that will ensure 100% customer service satisfaction for both guests and clients. Participants will understand that good customer relations is the key to a thriving organization from top to bottom, and coupling that service with a smile is golden. The Customer Service boot camp will be held September 13-14.

The Management and Leadership boot camp is specifically designed for Managing Directors, HR Managers and individuals holding high post(s) within their organizations. This boot camp is designed to provide leaders with a clear understanding of how to effectively manage, lead and guide a successful organization on a day-to-day basis. The boot camp will ensure that leaders understand that happy employees are effective employees, and good leadership comes from the top down. This boot camp will be held September 15-16.

The Supervisory Boot Camp has received mass attention and currently have over 100 persons enrolled with limited space available. This boot camp will introduce Supervisors from a variety of different businesses how to effectively lead teams to win and lead work teams to immeasurable levels of success. This boot camp will be held September 20-21, and September 27-28.

The Effective Sales Professional boot camp is a captivating training that will provide sales professionals with exceptional tools to master the art of profitable sales in any sales industry.   Participants will learn how to recognize and implement different negotiating styles, use questioning and probing skills to uncover underlying interests, create real buying emotions in customers, ask for referrals at point of sale, use referral strategies and techniques and how to close the sale and reach high profit margins. This boot camp will be held September 29-30.

Persons interested in registering for any of the boot camps, call: 543-3710 or 554-2437 or email: [email protected].