HOPE is coming to your neighbourhood


~First contact meeting in St. Peters, today Monday, Sept. 5~

ST PETERS, Sint Maarten — HOPE, the political party with the aim to Help Our People Excel, is coming to your neighbourhood, September 5, at the Community Centre of St. Peters at 7:00pm. “This will be our 1st stop of many to follow,” said party leader Mercedes van der Waals-Wyatt.

We are inviting the general public, men and women, families and friends to these meetings.  HOPE has opted to go for more a personal touch approach with the people in a Townhall meeting style. In the meeting, people will get a chance to hear HOPE’s vision and mission statement and discuss what they intend to do for St. Maarten with their manifesto highlights.  They will also get to meet the candidates individually and talk with them.

We are asking people to come on out, and say what is on your heart and speak candidly and freely about their concerns, their ideas, and suggestions. We would like them to ask what they are expecting from political leaders, and how we can work together with government and other organizations to reach the goals for the development of our country.

In the upcoming weeks, HOPE will visit your neighbourhood to listen and talk to the people of St. Maarten about several themes, one of them being the single mother phenomena, with a guest speaker.

HOPE wants to listen to the people to get a better understanding of the social issues they are dealing with. “The people are central in our meetings and programs and therefore have a say in the themes we discuss. That’s why we invite them to voice their concerns and ideas because we value it.  By listening and brainstorming, we can come up together with solutions that make sense for their issues. They are the ones living it, and know best the daily struggles that they face.”

One of HOPE’s core guiding principles is dialogues with the people of our country. For the people who are completely fed up with politics, we say: “Please, don’t be discouraged and lay back. Just make the right choice to bring the right change.”

“A Positive Change, managed by good governance!” We are urging persons to take an active participation in this year’s elections and to speak out that they want change for the better. With representatives that truly have the people’s interests at heart, we can finally move forward with good governance principles as HOPE’s core guidelines.

Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy, only the electorate, the people of St. Maarten have the POWER to vote and to make that change in our current situation. HOPE’s leader Mercedes van der Waals-Wyatt, aka “Elektra,” believes that the change starts with every individual citizen and also the drive and passion that ignited HOPE!

Our manifesto is a living document. Our people’s input matters to us, so we will incorporate your voice with the finalization of our manifesto. So, see you Monday September 5, at the Rupert Maynard Community Centre at 7:00pm where you can proactively deliver your input. Be there and make sure your concerns and opinions are heard. You are the people we would like to represent so let’s TALK!

For more information, visit our Facebook page: HOPE PARTY or send us an email at [email protected].