Month of activities to honor teachers


PHILIPSBURG – Education Minister Silveria Jacobs has announced plans and initiatives to commemorate World Teachers Day all month long in October.

The theme this year is: “Valuing teachers, improving their status.” The Minister, speaking at the Council of Ministers weekly press briefing, acknowledged that Teachers Day falls during the mid-term break, but teachers will still get their due respect during the month.

“Even though World Teachers Appreciation Day will be celebrated during our school vacation, the rest of the month will be dedicated to making our teachers feel even special,” the Minister said.

Meanwhile, she announced a plan to honor the most outstanding teachers in St. Maarten. This will be done with the assistance of the school boards and managers. All teachers will receive a letter, and token from the Ministry of Education expressing appreciation.

“All school boards will then get a list of criteria for which to choose the most outstanding teacher. School boards and school managers will be given that criteria and will be given a time to hand in that selection,” Minister Jacobs explained.

DCOMM and EOM will interview each teacher and a student, which will be showcased at the awards, dinner and dance ceremony.

Throughout the month, students and teachers will wear their EOM t-shirts and Men in Education will be highlighted as well. A teacher appreciation fun day will be held at the Emilio Wilson Park on October 16, while the Education On the Move Rally will be held on October 21.

The Annual Teachers Appreciation awards, dinner and dance ceremony will be held on October 29.  The Minister noted that the government is doing all it can to ensure that teachers are honored for their work. Meetings will be held to update teachers on changes that are being made within the education field.