POLICE REPORT: Armed robbery Wing Da and Fines for egg throwers

Chief Inspector Ricardo Henson

Armed robbery Wing Da on Friday October 22nd 2016

The Special Robbery Unit of the Police Department is presently investigating an armed robbery at the Chinese Supermarket Wing Da on the L.B. Scot Road. The incident took place on Friday October 21th at approximately 07.45 p.m.

The call came in to the Emergency Dispatch who immediately sent the police patrol to investigate what had taken place. On the scene the officers spoke to the victims and several witnesses. According to the information that was gathered is that one young man with a handgun threatened the employee with his weapon and took money from the cash register.

The suspect fled the scene on foot with an undisclosed amount of money. Detectives are investigating the armed robbery, any tips are welcome.

Fines for egg throwers

poster-egg-throwing-campaign-2016Last week Friday the first small incident off egg throwing took place at a secondary school in St. Peters. The Police Force Sint Maarten wants to share the message below with all students, teachers and parents:

For the last few years many students, bus drivers and other persons have been complaining about youngster/students, who during the end of the moth of October when Halloween is celebrated, become victims of egg throwing.  The throwing of eggs can destroy your clothing; it can be very dangerous and hazardous to your health.  The police department and the public prosecutors office have contacted mainly the secondary schools to inform them of the campaign they have started to prevent and suppress this type of irresponsible behavior. Anyone caught throwing eggs will be arrested and taken to the police station and go through the normal procedures. Those persons could get a fine ranging from 150, – and up to 500, – guilders.

Next to that, all damages caused as a result of the throwing of eggs, will also have to be covered by the suspect. Schools were advised to inform their students about this ongoing campaign and parents are hereby urged to have a very serious talk with their kids regarding this very serious issue.