WIN presents Passionately Pink evening


PHILIPSBURG – On October 14, the Women’s Island Network (WIN), in collaboration with the Positive Foundation, hosted its first annual Passionately Pink Interactive Evening.

The sold out event, was a 50/50 breast cancer information session and WIN fundraiser. Present were dynamic speakers, oncologist at SMMC Dr. Henk Wassenaar, research fellow at AUC Dr. Claudia Arregoytia, and breast cancer survivor Marcellina Loblack, who all did a fantastic job in bringing breast cancer awareness information to the attendees.

This WIN event was held at Divi Beach Resort, a main sponsor of the event, in the Great Bay Room. WIN, which is sponsored by USM’s School of Continuing Education and Life Long Learning (SCELL), would like to thank all the sponsors and donors who made this event the success it turned out to be.

The main sponsors were: Divi Beach Resort, Summit Resort Hotel, Artemia Event Planners, St. Maarten Food and Beverage Catering Service, Windward Islands Bank (WIB), Holland House, TelEm and Positive Foundation, Blue Point, Booze it up, Medico Cosmetics, Pure Secret, Toppers, Penha, Terra-Cotta, Vesna Taverna and Winair.

Marketing Manager at WIB Ferdinand Beauperthuy said, “Like many in our community, WIB has also been confronted with breast cancer among its staff, including the unfortunate loss of life.”

“’BSure to Fight It’ is WIB’s 2016 banner theme for Breast Cancer Awareness month, and WIB applauds organizations that continue to promote Breast Cancer Awareness, and thanks the Women Island Network (WIN) for their part in organizing an informative session Passionately Pink Interactive Evening to help us all in the fight against this deadly disease. This is what our progress is all about,” Beauperthuy stated.

WIN’s breast cancer initiative was also backed by Lorenzo Lloyd of St. Martin Food & Beverage Catering Service. “We at the St. Martin Food & Beverage Catering Service applaud the Women’s Island Network for their movement and their initiatives for the young women of St. Maarten. With the purpose of this event to spread the importance of awareness of breast cancer and to provide a scholarship to provide further education and betterment, we are honored to contribute in our own little way, for such a noble cause, and we stand behind them with these efforts all the way. We wish the WIN much continued success in their efforts for not only this event, but for young women throughout our island and for much more to come in the future,” Lloyd said.

Karin van Driezum at Holland House applauded the efforts of WIN. “We at Holland House recognize the importance of raising awareness amongst various groups in our society, however, naturally we have no expertise to set up a program with regards to breast cancer. Therefore, we are happy to participate in the initiatives that are presented to us, such as Passionately Pink, which enables us to contribute to the well-being of women in general,” van Driezum commented.

Tasana Aventurin of Artemia Event Planners stated, “One of the reasons why we are so passionate about breast cancer awareness is because we are a company made up primarily of women.  It really hit home when one of our close colleagues was diagnosed with the disease.”

“Sometimes you never really know how these issues will affect you until you experience them on a personal level, whether it is someone dear, or it happens to you. Breast cancer is the 2nd most dangerous cause of death among women and we should all be aware of the medical advancements and preventative measures,” observed Aventurin.

WIN has undertaken numerous community and networking projects this past year, including its first annual Seniors Valentine’s day cards and candy event, a Stiletto membership drive as well as its first annual Denim and Diamonds scholarship drive.

“The team is excited and motivated to continue enriching the lives of women in our community in the near future,” WIN said in a statement.

For further information on WIN, call (721) 527-8405 or visit the WIN website: or follow on Facebook.