BELVEDERE – The Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport held an information session on iSTEP (Inspiring Students with Technology in Education Project) for the school managers, adjunct managers and student care coordinators of all public schools on December 1.
The session was facilitated by Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Silveria Jacobs, the iSTEP Team and head of Division for Public Education (DPE) Glenderlin Davis-Holiday.
Presenters informed the managers and student care coordinators of the project, its objectives, implementation phases and most importantly, introduced them to the ICT devices that will be implemented in the classrooms.
Presenters also stressed to the managers that they are a vital part of the success of the project and will need to champion the initiative in their respective schools.
The session concluded with a Q&A segment where the managers posed questions about the project to the team. In the end, the managers were appreciative of the session and expressed eagerness to see this project rolled out in their schools in the near future.
For more information on iSTEP, email the team at: [email protected].