Minister Silveria Jacobs’ Christmas Message 2016

Minister Silveria Jacobs of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport


Season’s Greetings to all during this wonderful time of commemoration of the birth of Christ, the light of world, and a time of renewed hope in humanity, and the spirit of loving and sharing.

To me the Christmas season is about love, it is about spending time with family and those you love most or those whom need it most. It is a time of renewal, a time of sharing and caring.

Traditionally, here on St. Martin we enjoy getting our homes, yards and communities ready for the season. We are naturally happier, more outgoing, more friendly and aware of the suffering of others. We get together to  share food such as ham, turkey, macaroni pies and potato salad, guava, coconut and prune tarts, drinks such as mauby, sorrel, eggnog and of course our very own guavaberry and lime punch.

Most importantly, however, during the holiday season and the turn of the year, we surround ourselves with those who mean the most us. We get together from one family home to the next, singing, laughing, talking, sharing memories, exchanging gifts, eating, drinking and are merry.

At this time, I would like us, amidst our wonderful celebrations, to remember that there are many among us who are sick, vulnerable, sad or hurting at this time; those for whom the loss of a loved one, a job or some other bad situation is weighing them down and makes it difficult to enjoy this festive season.

I take this time to offer a special prayer for all who are suffering at this time, imploring you to remember the reason for the season, and that the wonderful, counselor and prince of peace, Jesus Christ, came to bring joy to the world and that he is a source of comfort even during the worst of times.

From my family and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport family, I wish each and every one a blessed, happy and safe Christmas Season and a prosperous New Year.