Elect me as your representative on Chamber of Commerce board

Edsel Gumbs


Good day and a Happy New Year to all.

I, Edsel Gumbs, was nominated to represent small businesses on the Chamber of Commerce’s board. I would like to take this time to remind the business community on St. Maarten to cast their vote at the Chamber of Commerce building in Philipsburg or in Simpson Bay (next to the fish market).

Election Day is this Thursday, January 19, between 8:00am and 12:00pm. Only business owners and board members of Dutch nationality that are registered at the Chamber of Commerce are eligible to vote. Remember to bring your ID to vote. For arranged parking, contact me on +1721554-9421.

The board represents you in the community. I plan to bring to the table, my expertise in business efficiency and innovations for the small business community that in turn help bigger businesses strive. I also plan to build prosperous communities to which residents, visitors and investors are attracted.

I will seek to ensure future prosperity via a pro-business climate that represents the unified voice of the employer community. I plan to reduce business processing friction through well-functioning, smoother running digital networks that works best in today’s world.

Can someone represent you without ever consulting with you? How many surveys did you fill out? How many seminars were you invited to? How many emails did you receive involving you step by step? How many of your needs were satisfied over the years? This is the way I was thought solve…this is how progress is made.

Elect me as your representative. I am certain that my business degree (New 2016 teaching for today’s world) and COCI business plan competition winner achievement (1st place best business planner +1st place best marketer) with the topic “thinking globally while acting locally,” proves my ability to represent. One should not ask for experience to prohibit gaining that experience. It causes a cycle of no change and loss chances.

I unfortunately cannot help to cook from outside the kitchen. #VoteGumbs so we can eat. We’ve been hungry! Prosperous 2017 and beyond to us St. Maarten!

Best wishes,

Edsel Gumbs


The voting card may be exchanged for a ballot at the Polling station on election day. For your convenience COCI has two polling stations: 1] at the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce & Industry on the C.A. Cannegieterstreet #11 and 2] at the Public Service Center in Simpsonbay on the Airport Road.

Election Day Information:

  • Election day: Thursday, January 19th 2017
  • Election time: 8.30am – 12.00pm(noon) at both stations
  • Election requirements: YOU MUST PRESENT A VALID ID