House burns down in Cul-de-Sac

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CUL-DE-SAC – A house located on Plouge Drive, Cul-de-Sac was completely gutted by fire on Tuesday afternoon, January 24.

Police and Fire Departments were dispatched to Plouge Drive, when a call came in via the Police Dispatch Center. The Police and Fire Departments raced to the scene, as well as an ambulance. Reports came in that an elderly man was in the house, and due to his limited mobility would not be able to escape the burning building fast enough on his own.

Neighbors and bystanders rushed into the house, which was almost completely on fire, and managed to remove the elderly man to safety.

According to information 721news received, ambulance personnel did treat several people for smoke inhalation and minor burns.

The Fire Department could not save the house. The Police and Fire Departments are busy investigating the cause of the fire.

Notable was that the social welfare team never showed up to render assistance. With the help of the Red Cross and Louis Jeffers from Accessible Ventures, the family was relocated to somewhere safe for the night. Officials had been notified about the house on fire.

Below you can see a live video from 721news crew of the Fire Department busy containing the fire, and bringing it under control.