TRINIDAD: Two Murdered During New Year Celebrations


~The death of Akim Gonzales in the final hours of 2016 pushed the murder toll for the year to 462 ~

The death of Akim Gonzales in the final hours of 2016 pushed the murder toll for the year to 462. According to reports Gonzales, 22, of Old Tramline Road, Princes Town, was spending time with relatives at Lady Hailes Avenue, San Fernando. At around 10:30 pm, members were told he had been shot and went in search of him.

In another incident, father of two Ryan Winter, 44, went on record as the first murder of 2017 when gunmen stormed his home at 3:30 am and shot him four times.

These killings came despite police being out in their large numbers throughout the country. The TTPS, recalled all officers who were on leave, so there could be a strong police presence during the new year celebrations.