DOGA open house at USM



PHILIPSBURG – On March 18, there was a DOGA open house at the University Of St. Martin (USM).

DOGA is the Art of Dance and the mindfulness of Yoga combined to give a truly rapturous experience while interacting with your breathing.

One will experience movement and self-awareness, which are the best pick me up. The calming experience will start that day. Excellent tips will be given for the corporate women of today. “We are so focused on getting things done that most times we forget to breathe,” a release said.

One will learn to practice body flow that will strengthen the body, create flexibility, release tension and create healing mind, body, spirit, connection.

There are no requirements for this course. “We recommend that you set aside some practice time so you can deepen your experience in order to bring higher levels of integration in physical and energetic levels,” the release continued.

An open mind and a good attitude; No pre-requisite knowledge or materials required; Yoga mat; and Eagerness to Learn about Dance and Yoga, are all that’s required.

Created by Arlene Halley DOGA is combination of dance movement, yoga poses and meditation designed to create an optimal movement and self-awareness experience.

Conducted by Directors of the National Institute of Arts (NIA) Halley and Clara Reyes, Certified Yoga instructors and professional dance educators for the past 40 years, they have drawn from centuries-old traditions of creating a union of body, mind, and breathe. DOGA is the perfect greeting to a new day. It provides tools to calm the mind, breathing exercises to flush the body of toxins and stretch and tone movement to create a balanced approach to your day.

DOGA is the fusion of traditions in dance that that incorporates dance techniques from the principals of Brain Dance, 5 rhythms of Gabrielle Roth, Traditional healing dances of Africa and the Caribbean as well yoga, breathing exercises and meditation.

Classes will run for 60 minutes where you will be exposed to various techniques. For more information contact:, email: [email protected] or call: +1 (721) 543-0600.

Persons can also contact USM at: +1(721) 542-5171 | 542-3156 | 542-3674 | Fax: +1 (721) 542-5226.