Pediatric Ward receives generous gifts



CAY HILL – The St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) has received benevolent donations for their pediatric patients from the Rotary Club of St. Maarten and the St. Martin of Tours Catholic Parish since the start of this year.

As a generous gesture, the Rotary Club members visited the hospital to hand deliver their donation of toys, books, and other items to the ward. SMMC appreciates the continued support of the Rotary Club, which has been an existing contributor to SMMC through the years.

On behalf of the St. Martin of Tours Parish, Fr. Adam Oleszczuk and Ludwina Hodge-Sprock also visited the medical center to present the gifts for the children. The donation was part of an initiative of the church where their congregation collected several of their Christmas presents, wrapped in decorative paper, to share with the child patients of SMMC.

Most of the items were wrapped and will be a surprise for the children. However, several unwrapped items were amongst the gifts, such as an Alphabet Foam Puzzle mat and collectible dolls. SMMC is grateful to the parish for their gifts, and their display of selfless generosity.

The giving spirit of the community adds communal value to the work done at SMMC. Together the community and SMMC join forces in providing caring environments for their patients. Donations are always appreciated by the St. Maarten Medical Center.

If you would like to contribute to your local hospital, donations can be made via SMMC’s website: or by contacting their Communications Department for more information about the hospital’s donations program at 543-1111 ext. 2508.