Police addresses the youth and their parents

Chief Inspector Ricardo Henson


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The 2017 Carnival season has already started even though the Festival Village has not yet officially opened. The “Causeway Jump–up” has already taken place and it was unfortunate and unnecessary that a 14 year old boy was seriously injured by another teenage boy with a weapon during this event. Due to the severity of the injuries the victim sustained he was flown off island for further medical treatment. A teenage girl was also injured during this incident and treated for her injuries. The suspect in this case has been arrested and remains in custody for further investigation.

The Police Department is hereby sending out a very stern message to all youngsters and their parents. The Police Department is approaching the Carnival Season with a 0-tolerance policy. Any criminal activity and or misconduct will not be tolerated and will be dealt with immediately and swiftly. There is a “transaction list” with the most occurring criminal activity related to the carnival season which has been published and the Police Department in collaboration with the Public Prosecutor Office will maintain and uphold this policy.

One of the issues that the police department will be addressing during the jump ups are youngsters, men and women, who have their face entirely or partially covered in some form or fashion, to conceal their identity. While they conceal their identity they take advantage to act out with extreme violence against others causing fights and a lot of disruption to others during these events. Police officers will be reacting to this issue, to their discretion, and approaching persons with their face covered asking them to identify themselves with proper identification (Picture I.D.).

Parents should take the responsibility to talk seriously to their children about the consequences of their actions, such as alcohol and drugs use and abuse before they leave house to attend any of these events.


                        GENERAL POLICE ORDINANCE  

1.       Not following commands by a police officer (art. 3)


NAFLS 150,-/$85,-


2.       Disturbing  public  order (Art. 4)


NAFLS 150,-/$85,-


3.       Fighting in public (Not ill-treatment art. 24-b)


NAFLS 150,-/$85,-


4.       Removing, replacing or taking down of a police barricade (art. 24-c)


NAFLS 150,-/$85,-


5.       Throwing of bottles (art. 25)


NAFLS 375,-/$212,-

                        WEAPON ORDINANCE

6.       In the possession of a weapon (not a fire-arm) or an object to be used as such.(art. 1)  

NAFLS 625,-/$354,-



7.       Resisting arrest (art. 2:133)


NAFLS. 625,-/$354,-


8.       Not adhering to an order given by a police officer (art. 2:137)


NAFLS. 375,-/$212,-


9.       Insulting an officer on duty (art. 2:223 jo.  art 2:224)


NAFLS. 375,-/$212,-


10.   Verbal threat (not group/gang  related) (art. 2:255)


NAFLS. 625,-/$354,-


11.   Ill-treatment (art. 2:273)


NAFLS. 750,-/$424,-


12.   Destruction of property (art. 2:334)


NAFLS. 300,-/$170,-


13.    Public Intoxication (art. 3:4) NAFLS. 150.-/$ 85,-
14.   Serving alcohol to persons less than 18 years of age. (art. 3:53)


NAFLS. 625,-/$354,-



15.   Possession of Cocaine up to 03 grams (Art. 3 sub 1 under c)


NAFLS. 400,-/$226,-

16.   Possession of Cocaine more than 03 grams, but less or equivalent to 05 grams. (Art. 3 sub 1 under c)  

NAFLS. 625,-/$354,-


17.   Possession of Marihuana 05 to 20 grams (art. 4 sub 2 under b)


NAFLS. 325,-/$184,-

18.   Possession of Marihuana more that 20 grams, but less or equal to 30 grams (art. 4 sub 2 under b)  

NAFLS. 625,-/$354,-


19.   Possession of 06 to 10 XTC-pills (Art. 3 sub 1 under c)


NAFLS. 625,-/$354,-