TPI donates to youth in sports 



BELVEDERE – Training Professionals International Firm (TPI) attended the St. Maarten Hockey Club (SMHC) Clinic on Saturday, March 4, from 3:00pm to 4:30pm at the Cruijff Court in Belvedere.

The clinic was conducted by ex-Dutch National Hockey Team players and Olympic Gold medalists Kim Lammers and Sophie Polkamp.

TPI’s President and CEO Dr. Natasha Gittens observed the quality of the clinic on Saturday and admired the interaction of the youth with the Olympians. “TPI made the donation to illustrate our diverse commitment to developing the youth, people, organizations and professionals of the Caribbean, not only as a progressive training and organizational services firm, but an organization that believes that humanitarian contributions are just as important as annual profits,” said Gittens.

TPI requested that the donation be specifically used to jump start a renewed marketing campaign in the Belvedere community, to educate and encourage youth to enroll and to buy shoes, protective gear and equipment. “This donation will act as our second promised contribution to the St. Maarten community with two more events planned. TPI understands to strive as a firm, we must be in touch with all aspects of our communities, and believe that placing emphasis on our youth must be an obvious priority,” Gittens stated.

Young adults must be introduced to non-traditional sports like Hockey that will act as a springboard to teach them discipline and team work. These are essential characteristics to prepare them for a successful academic, personal and professional life.

“When we educate youth ages 5-14 we are reaching them at the precise time to inject strong pillars of character,” she said.

Any interested children aged 5-14 years can reserve a space for the Youth Training by sending an email to [email protected]. Space is limited and is on a first come, first serve basis.