11th Believers Convention starts next week

Photo of the Convention poster with Apostle Peter Barnes


PHILIPSBURG/MARIGOTIt’s All About Jesus-The Christ! is the theme of the 11th annual St. Martin Believers Connection Convention (SMBCC) that will be held from Thursday, April 27, to Monday, May 1, at the Christian Fellowship Church Conference Centre in Cole Bay from 7:30pm.

Juxtaposed in the heart of the Carnival Season, the Convention offers an ideal alternative to feting for Christian believers on both sides of the island. It is the highlight of the Christian community’s calendar of activities, spearheaded by the St. Martin United Ministerial Foundation (SMUMF).

An invitation is extended to the general public to attend the week of Convention that is free of cost. The main auditorium will come alive with engaging worship, testimonies and messages. A unity flag parade, causeway march and movie night are also highlights of this year’s convention.

Each year, the SMUMF chooses leading thinkers and ministers from across the globe to talk about topics relevant to church leaders and their membership as well as to make divine impartations in the body of Christ. This year’s Convention has attracted a prolific teacher and preacher in the person of Apostle Peter Barnes from New Direction Grace Church in Capetown, South Africa.

International past speakers have also been invited and 9 delegations have already confirmed their attendance such as: Guyana, Bonaire, Tortola, South Africa, Suriname, Aruba, Trinidad, Barbados and United States. Additionally, four workshop sessions will be facilitated by 4 of the leading Bible schools on the island. Following up from last year’s Youth Explosion, youth groups are being asked to register early.

Last year there was a Sunset Boat Cruise on the Explorer. This year, on Saturday, April 29, there will be a Unity March across the Causeway. T-shirts are already on sale for the march at a fee of $10.

For more updates, the general public is invited to call 520-2957/523-0901/523-9553 or visit the Facebook page: stmartinbelieversconnectionconvention.

With sessions designed for everyone – children, teens, seniors, women and more – the entire family will enjoy SMBCC 2017.