TPI campaigns for accredited trainings Caribbean-wide



SIMPSON BAY – Training Professionals International Firm (TPI) has launched a campaign for Accredited Trainings throughout the Caribbean on Monday, April 24. The campaign has taken the Caribbean by storm and TPI’s marketing department has set the foundation to educate the Caribbean on the powerful, vitality of “Accredited” trainings.

The campaign is targeting diverse organizations throughout the Caribbean. The message is simple. “If the training is not accredited do not enroll your team members.”

TPI understands that throughout the Caribbean many organizations traditionally have viewed training as the right move, in the right direction to educate their managers, supervisors and frontline staff without making “accreditation” an important element of the equation.

Basically “The Old School” organizational approach was hire the training company, register employees to attend and the result was employees received a certificate of completion with no value. That was the process in a nutshell.

The world has changed, the training industry has changed. Most importantly employees are demanding more and leadership is listening. TPI feels obligated to education our Caribbean clients on the correct way to provide employees with effective training that will benefit them internationally, globally not just in the Caribbean.

TPI’s President and CEO Dr. Natasha Gittens stated in a recent press release, “Our firm has a commitment to the Caribbean to be the jet-setter of disseminating viable information and promoting continuous learning among the Caribbean masses, our clients and diverse work teams.

We must demand as a strong Caribbean that professional training be inclusive of the following for our people: accredited, approved by a respected governing body, reviewed, approved for curriculum content, include modern day best practices, provide participants with current trends in diverse sectors, engage participants with role plays and scenarios that reflect what’s going on in the real world today.”

“TPI offers only ‘accredited’ trainings that are ‘approved’ by the Certified Professional Development Center (CPD) in the United Kingdom, that are globally recognized all over the world. We have one rule at TPI, if it is not accredited we don’t offer it,” Gittens continued.

“We encourage Caribbean organizations to ask training companies the right questions prior to establishing contracts to train. The questions are valid and straight forward. ‘Are your trainings accredited by a governing body?’ ‘Are your trainers certified to train in the courses offered?’ ‘Can you please provide me with a copy of your accreditation license?’ ‘May I have a copy of your trainer’s credentials and certifications for our files?’ If organizations ask these questions, they have done their due diligence,” she concluded.

For more information on TPI’s accredited trainings contact TPI’s Training Department at: 552-2050/2052 or email: [email protected]. Visit the web: