Change in Driver’s License Examination Law as of May 1st



GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – Section Transportation that falls under the Ministry Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunications (Ministry TEATT), hereby notifies all concerned, that as of May 1st, 2017, driver’s license candidates will sit exams on two separate days instead of one.

The aforementioned has already been discussed with the Driving Schools, and they have also been provided with copies of the law.

The theoretical part of the examination will be carried out on one day while the practical part will be carried out on another day.

The change came about after a review of the examination process.  Driver’s license candidates will have more time to focus on the theoretical part of the examination after giving them a day to fully focus on how to apply the traffic rules of the land.

Another forthcoming change, the current theoretical exam is done orally, and preparations are underway to change this where the examination will be done digitally in the English and Dutch languages.

Section Transportation has been working with the Driving Schools and this should be implemented in the third quarter of 2017.

Section Transportation is here to ensure that the country maintains an effective program of driver testing which leads to licensed drivers having a level of competency consistent with safe driving habits and practices on Sint Maarten roads.

Section Transportation is located at Cannegieter Street #23 upstairs, next to Sister Borgia School in Philipsburg.

Those requiring information can call 542-5641 or 542-4509 during office hours for any queries that you may have. The department may also be contacted via email at: