NV GEBE staff attends Management Training

Front from left to right: Sjadira Gaari, Urla Granger, Lydia Carty; Back from left to right: Yannick Hodge, Edel Jansen  


PHILIPSBURG – Five employees of NV GEBE namely Urla Granger, Lydia Carty, Sjadira Gaari, Edel Jansen and Yannick Hodge attended the “Prosci Change Management Certification Program,” and are now certified in Prosci Change Management.

Prosci Change Management is a methodology that is used in a change management organization focused on helping employees and the organizations build change management capabilities. Prosci has certified over 30,000 change leaders worldwide through this program.

In an invited statement from one of the team members it was stated that, “Organizations don’t change, individuals do. No matter how large of a project you are taking on, the success of that project ultimately lies with each employee doing their work differently, multiplied across all of the employees impacted by the change. Effective change management requires an understanding for and appreciation of how one person makes a change successfully. Without an individual perspective, we are left with activities, but no idea of the goal or outcome that we are trying to achieve.”

With this certification the team is now able to drive and manage change within NV GEBE with the knowledge, skills and tools obtained during the training.