Residents and motorists reminded of HUREX 2017 Training Exercise in Cay Bay and near the Hospital



GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – Residents and motorists are reminded that Hurricane Exercise 2017 (HUREX 2017), the largest exercise to be held on Sint Maarten, will commence on Tuesday, June 27 between 8.00am and 11.00am, in Cay Bay and near the Hospital in Cay Hill.

Residents and motorists will see an increase in emergency response vehicles (with sirens) on the public roads en-route to Cay Bay in response to a major incident.

Response to the major incident will include military and civil authorities such as Police, Ambulance, Fire, Voluntary Corps of St. Maarten and other emergency response services, as well as NV GEBE, SMMC and SOL fuel supplier.

The public and motorists do not need to be concerned with respect to the heightened emergency response activities, as this is part of the training exercise.

The exercise takes place under the banner of the Fire Department/Office of Disaster Management.

The Office of Disaster Management falls under the Ministry of General Affairs.