Kingdom of the Netherlands Voluntary National Review report online

Minister Ploumen holding up a copy of the VNR (Voluntary National Review) Kingdom report on Sustainable Development Goals, with members of the Dutch kingdom delegation, recently in New York at the HLPF Forum.


Great Bay, St. Maarten — During the month of July 2017, St. Maarten joined other countries comprising the Dutch Kingdom, at the High-level Political Forum (HLPF) in New York.

This United Nations event served as a central platform for follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

St. Maarten formed part of the Dutch kingdom delegation, headed by the Netherland’s minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Lilianne Ploumen.

During the forum, some forty-four UN member states presented their Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) of the 2030 Agenda on SDGs.

It was earlier decided that the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Aruba, Curaçao, the Netherlands and St. Maarten) would jointly draft a combined VNR report, wherein the state of implementation of the SDGs for the four countries are highlighted.

This VNR report of the Dutch kingdom has been presented to the UN secretary-general.

The full report is now online and can be found at